GSAP 3 scrollTrigger QuickStart
AnimationGsapScroll trigger
Below is a basic ScrollTrigger config.
gsap.from('.herman', {
duration: 10,
x: '-50vw',
rotation: -360,
ease: 'linear',
+ scrollTrigger: {
+ trigger: '.herman', // trigger target
+ markers: true, // for dev only
+ start: 'top 75%', //when top of herman passes 75% viewport height
+ end: 'bottom 25%', //when bottom of herman passes 25% viewport height
+ //events: onEnter onLeave onEnterBack onLeaveBack
+ toggleActions: 'restart complete reverse reset',
+ //options: play, pause, resume, reset, restart, complete, reverse,none
- First let's scroll down, when
target's top passes 75% viewport height, triggering onEnter event, which will restart the animation. - Continue to scroll down, when the bottom of target passes 20% viewport height, triggering onLeave event, which will complete the animation.
- If scrolling up, onEnterBack will be triggered, the animation will reverse.
- Continue to scroll up, everything will be reset.
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